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SWOT Analysis

The Strengths, Weakensses, Opportunities, and Threats of using Shockvertising.


-Disturbing images showcase the realistic need for support

-Images used can be either blunt and to the point or a metaphore relating to the cause

-Effective in getting a message out fast because of the taboo images and/or wording used. The more taboo and shocking the ad is, the more buzz it creates

-Public service campaign subjects can use shockvertising effectively (Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, Lung Cancer, AIDS, Animal Rights (PETA) to name a few).

-Shockvertising is internationally shocking because it goes against very general ethical norms.


-Many images used are a metaphore, therfore viewers must think about the meaning behind the image

-Too much shock can numb the audience to the mesage

-Sex, gore, and provocative words are becoming mainstream.

-Using shock can take away from what the brand is about (ex. United Colors of Bennetton)

-Shockvertising is often seen as tasteless. For instance the fashion brand French Connecion abbreviated "French Connection, UK" and got a word, FCUK, which it used.




-Many brands are creating a more family-oriented brand persona.






-Many consumers do not care about social problems if it is of no concern to thier lifestyles.




-Consumers are becoming DEsensitized because of the overuse of shockvertising.



-Instead of using gore and sex, use a more family-aimed campaign such as inter-racial relatioships and

same-sex marriage. These images are realistic yet still taboo on a national level campaign.


-Shock ads can be used to sensitize these consumers into understandning other cultures and their needs such as water, food, and colthing.



-Advertisers must take advantage of a basic core belief all cultures have in order to create an effictive shockvertisment. 

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